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Lost Treasures of Egypt (Compilations)

Lost Treasures of Egypt (Compilations)

Meet the bada#$ queens of ancient Egypt as archeologists read between the hieroglyphs to find the true stories of Cleopatra and Hatshepsut. Of all the hidden mysteries of Egypt, the lives of these queens who would be king are among the most compelling. Immensely powerful, they created larger-than-life legends that have withstood the test of time. Now, archeologists seek to uncover their secrets ?such as where Cleopatra is buried. Even after two millennia, a sandstorm of mystery will swirls around her life? and her story lives on.

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O čem se gre 'Lost Treasures of Egypt (Compilations)'?

Meet the bada#$ queens of ancient Egypt as archeologists read between the hieroglyphs to find the true stories of Cleopatra and Hatshepsut. Of all the hidden mysteries of Egypt, the lives of these queens who would be king are among the most compelling. Immensely powerful, they created larger-than-life legends that have withstood the test of time